Friday, September 18, 2009

feel like wrote sumting here.....

just nw a fren in facebook had a status post as so:

什么是幸福? 幸福就是猫追老鼠, 狗追骨头, 噢特曼打小怪兽...

after seeing it, i felt like giving some comment, hence wrote:(my idea, nt copy frm else where de oh.. haha)

當人們都認為猫追老鼠, 狗追骨头, 噢特曼打小怪兽, 便是所謂的幸福之際, 是否有人愿意站在老鼠的立場, 想想老鼠的感受... 或許老鼠給人們的印象就是那么的 "骯臟, 厭惡, 破壞, 該死..." 但他們又何嘗不是為了養家活兒, 溫飽度日而奔波??? 倘若要以它們如此的遭遇為幸福, 那么, 它們的犧牲是偉大的...

以我之見, 大家何不換個角度想想, 幸福又何必建立以如此的個人, 如此的現實, 如此的物質, 且于他人的不幸上呢???...

幸福可以是有幸經歷過去, 而又能享有當下, 并展望未來...
幸福可以是平安康寧, 安然度日...
幸福可以是具親友關愛, 而又不失個人空間...
更重要的, 幸福還可以是擁有協助他人的能力, 將所謂的幸福, 與更多更多的人分享.....

may i have ur comment and opinion on such???/ just leave ur comment here lol if u free free... thk lol.....


  1. to save someone also means to not save someone...
    there was a hostage held during a bank robbery, and the robber threatens to kill the hostage.
    if one try to save the hostage, that would means killing the robber.
    (it doesn't matter what the intention of the robber has,not even if it's to save someone, for put food on the table.)

    in this sense, its would seem that he is the one at fault, just like the mouse in your view.

    if considering the rule that one MUST die,
    there would be the result of someone's death.
    and so, perhaps, little are the term 'HERO' applies to today's world.

    (well, the book DOES says that...universalism?justice?whichever, they're flawed.)

  2. all these modern thinking thus leads to certain extremities that the prince kissing the sleeping beauty,waking her up in the process would considered a sexual harassment.

  3. ameagor, i guess u dint gt the point dnt u... hahahaha.... mice did those to support it's life, bt, all this is done cos it do no thad the ability to thing, if, being apply human, dnt u think human is "considered" far more high class then those other creature, thur had to apply the proper thinking skill, differenciate between gd n bad....

    for example the robery case, if, the rober understand tat hapiness can be accieve tru many way other the doing bad, creating sin, shouldnt he do gd thing and nt causing other into trabo????

  4. so i the point, problem can be solve even in the early stage if we knw that "way" toward hapiness, and nt in the sense of killing the robber or nt to solve the case.....

  5. but you still see robbery cases. its not about understanding, not about us being human, the greater species on earth sometimes.

    somethings, they're not easily understandable,not easy to define, or even doesn't have an exact definition.

    indeed, i'm talking about a different point.
    but i do believe they lies around the same aspects.
    a dog and a bone.
    a cat and a mouse.
    a bird and a worm.
    police vs criminal.
    perhaps they share more than jz a single bond...

  6. ameagor, guess u still haven gt the point in the post... hahaha.... it see from the begining of every cases... 幸福又何必建立以如此的個人, 如此的現實, 如此的物質, 且于他人的不幸上呢???...

    幸福可以是有幸經歷過去, 而又能享有當下, 并展望未來...
    幸福可以是平安康寧, 安然度日...
    幸福可以是具親友關愛, 而又不失個人空間...
    更重要的, 幸福還可以是擁有協助他人的能力, 將所謂的幸福, 與更多更多的人分享.....

    by gt the point, problem can be solve even in the early stage if we knw that "way" toward hapiness, and nt in the sense of killing the robber or nt to solve the case.....

    those rober u say, if they do undestand this, even tho he is try to gt money fr fam o wat, he shall apply the way such as working a proper job....
