Monday, May 24, 2010

my 2nd attempt in plaining fo kk trip....

since my 1st planing of kk hike trip being as a "past" event, i attempt my 1nd plan after the edu camp on june 2009.

actualy this "plan" is start wit just a simple sms wit shirley bong and mainly concern in hike up kk mountain, however due to sum inconvenient, shirley dint join me in this plan. and it end up of me and 17 fren frm unimas.

by the help frm whyee and edison, we gather a numbers of frens. and i start look into detail of event to do during the trip, how ever nt much result can i gather frm internet and dint gt much feedbek fren fren on wat they interested in doing after the hike.

anyway, plan kept proceed by booking the hike permit and accomodation on dec 2009, which is 6month b4 our trip.

time soon past, and nw, when i wrote this blog, we had oledy attempted the hike and gt bek to out lodge in kk town.

i m nt good in describing the detail procees, however i do wish to take chance here to say sum little word....

firstly, i would like to appologise to all my fren as i dint have the "plan" properly "planed", and mis out sum important detail and consideration on each and every 1 abilities b4 gving u guy the "reference", such as the hardness of the trail, the tym consumtion for each of u... jin paisei.... as i assume my own tym for ur reference.....

secondly, i would like to thank all fren who willing to take their tym to participate in the hike, witout u all, this "plan" can oly be a "PLAN" and never turn into reality....

3rdly, greatly congrate to those who manage to step their feet on the highest peak of ASEAN, for those who r nt, which i m oso i of them, plase do nt give up, we knw tat u had try.... and may god blees, we can do it next time when there is chance.

4thly, and the most important appreciation i would like to sent to GOD, odo i dint manage to step up to summit, bt i realy do need to thank U for perpare the best for us, the best weather especialy and thank U tat all of my fren had the experience and safe tru out the journey....


  1. Anything happen? y u din reach the summit?

  2. paisei, we were suppose to walk together, but i was just go too fast...haha...anyway, thanks for the plans and great trip...

  3. eloise, cos i laoya n old liaw lol... hahahaha

    weijan, no need paisei la, hahhaa, is ok, i will cover the bbek de, no worry... ahhaha

  4. dun blame urself la.u oledi done a gud job liao.thanks a lot to plan tis kk trip for all of us.

  5. can't express my appreciation well but can only thank you a lot, a lot, and a lot =)

    i will not give up!

  6. hehe, thank aa lot to u all too... :-)

  7. You've already gotten there...too bad you didnt this time the end of the day you DID get a 'different' experience out of it, that is sufficient for me to celebrate:D

  8. haha, ameagor, when go hang out "celebrate" it then??? wahahhahaha....
